Newton Fire Museum

150 Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
(973) 383-0396
Hours & Directions

Newton Fire Museum


Donations Appreciated

The Newton Fire Museum is staffed entirely by volunteer firefighters from the Newton Fire Department and depends on donations to keep it operating. Without continued support from our community, the fire museum would not be possible. Your donation will help to ensure that our heritage will continue to be preserved for years to come. Mail your contribution to:

Newton Fire Museum
150 Spring Street
Newton, N.J. 07860-2009

Or, donate using a credit card via paypal...

The Newton Fire Museum, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contribution is tax deductable as allowed by law. Please make checks payable to the Newton Fire Museum.

Item Donations

We're always looking to expand our collection. If you have an item you'd like to donate to the museum, please contact the curator to make arrangements.

Patch Collection

We collect fire related patches from around the world. If you have a patch you'd like to add to our collection, drop it off any time the museum is open, or mail it to the address above.

Loaning Items to the Museum

We're sorry, but due to liability issues we can no longer accept loaned items.

Link to our Website

Help us spread the word about one of Sussex County's treasures! A link to our site would look great on your fire department's web site or myspace page!

Retired NFD Apparatus or Equipment

Do you know the whereabouts of an old Newton Fire Department truck, hose carriage, or other piece of equipment? PLEASE contact the curator with as much information as you can provide. We are actively seeking to find our old apparatus and other equipment, and we need your help to find it. Any information you can provide would be appreciated.

site info

© 2006-2024 Newton Fire Museum, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Newton Fire Museum is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Design by Andreas Viklund. Site hosting graciously donated by Dreamhost.

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